除尘器及滤袋指标 Parameters of Baghouse and Filter Bag |
项目 Item |
参数 Parameter |
1.应用行业及具体应用位置Industry and Application |
2.除尘器形式 Style of the Bag Filter |
3.进口处理风量Inlet Blast Volume(Nm3/min) |
4.出口风量Outlet Blast Volume(Nm3/min) |
5.过滤风速Velocity of Filtration(m/min) |
6.过滤面积Filter Area(m2) |
7.除尘器阻力/压差Baghouse Resistance(kpa) |
8.工作温度区间 the Extent of Running Tempertuare(℃) |
经常 ℃, 最高 ℃ |
9.布袋清灰周期Ashremoval Cycle (min) |
10.脉冲喷吹或反吹压力Pluse Blowing Pressure(Mpa) |
11.除尘器漏风率 Air Leakage Ratio of Baghouse(%) |
12.年运行时间 Running Time of Every Year(小时/ hours) |
13.进口粉尘浓度Inlet Dust Concentration(g/ Nm3) |
14.出口粉尘浓度Inlet Dust Concentration(mg/Nm3) |
15.烟气含湿量(水分 %)Dust Water Content |
16.粉尘的PH值 PH of the Dust |
17.含硫量 S Content ( mg/m3) |
18.粉尘化学成分 Dust Composition |
19.含氧量Oxygen Content(%) |
20.氮化物含量Nitride Content(%) |
21.氟(F),氟化氢(FH)含量F, FH Content (%) |
22.花板孔直径 the Diameter of the Plate(mm) |
23.滤袋条数 Quantity of the Filter Bag |
24.骨架外径及骨架竖筋根数 Cage Diameter(mm) |
外径 mm, 竖筋 根 |
25.清灰后残留阻力 Remain Ashremoval Pressure(pa) |
26.滤袋尺寸Size of Filter Bag (diameter×length) |
27.滤袋材质及要求Material of the Filter Bag |
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